My hope is to break apart the hetero/cis/ wealthy pressure that we are born into. It’s time we normalize talking about the traumas and injustices that occur while nurturing ourselves, others, & the land, & finally rid ourselves of the guilt that was placed on to us by a system that was never for us. This project is VERY SPECIFICALLY rooted in deconstruction of the euro-centric, patriarchal, heteronormative, capitalist, and classist society. While I welcome everyone to participate, it is my project. And I have no issue not giving space to anyone who upholds and supports racism, ableism, transphobia, classism, or the police.
We do not put down those who are sex workers, “undocumented”; experience addiction, homelessness, mental illness; or victims of the criminal justice system. There are ways to have conversations surrounding the abuses we may have suffered, without grouping everyone “as a whole.”
And lastly,
This project will always elevate the voices of those who are Black, Indigenous, POC, queer, trans, sex workers, and/or femme.
I have continued to work on establishing a base of supporters in the community. I have established someone to help me with printing, I’ve purchased materials necessary for vending, and have stayed in regular communication with people through the social media account I created for the zine.
I believe in paying people for their work, and have been able to maintain a budget that provides some compensation for those who submit their work. I plan to continue vending the zine online and at local events to create more interest and to hopefully help grow the compensation available for the artists. I don’t have a clear timeline on how long I intend to keep this project going, but I don’t see myself stopping soon. I enjoy connecting with others, being witness to folks being vulnerable and willing to share their experiences with their community, and have hopes of seeing the zine become a project that community member can pride themselves in.